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Smoke school at its finest! Stress and Pain free!

Discover how painless and rewarding smoke school can be
when done right.


How do I choose a smoke school provider?


You need a smoke school provider who follows the requirements of 40 CRR 60 and are audited by the EPA, state and local environmental agencies. You also need a training provider that understands the importance of friendly customer service, such as we do at Whitlow Smoke School.




Why is smoke school needed?


Search your permit for opacity, visible emissions, EPA Method 9, and EPA Method 22. If you find these terms then you are required to attend smoke school. Your permit will inform you of potential sources, allowed opacity, and frequency of opacity readings. Federal and state employees are required to evaluate opacity as a part of an inspection to determine compliance with air quality permits and regulations.



What sets Whitlow apart from other smoke school providers?


CUSTOMER SERVICE! Whitlow smoke schools start long before anyone arrives at the site. We use compasses and weather radios to set up the optimum conditions for reading opacity.

Why does Whitlow Enterprises offer a one-day school?


Our mission is to teach you everything that you need to know to evaluate compliance and evaluate opacity in real world conditions. I realize that your best shot and your only shot at becoming an opacity expert is at smoke school.

How often should I take smoke school field training?


Every six months

Who needs classroom and how often do I need the classroom?


Anyone who has never been certified for Method 9 should take the classroom. It is recommended that everyone take a refresher classroom course every 3 years.

Whitlow Enterprises LLC.

Method 9 and Method 22 visual emissions training

Contact Us

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